After everyone had dumped their stuff we all congregated in the down stairs hall. It was a large, rectangular room with a half carpet half wooden floor, white washed walls with a wooden trim, tables and chairs, a canteen area, an empty bookshelf and a roaring fire in the old stone hearth. It also had various uplifting Christian slogans such as
"Peace be unto you". Very cosy. All the tables had been stacked in a corner and the chairs were spread out in choir positions, and this gave me just a slight inkling of what we were going to do next. Yupsidoodle, straight after the roll call the keyboard was taken out and the rest of the evening was spent rehearsing. At about 9ish (?) we stopped for a supper break before being shooed of to bed. I grabbed a cookie bear shortbreadything with jam in the centre and nipped upstairs.
It is quite interesting hearing what other female adolescent life forms talk about. There was a fair bit of nostalgia, some speculation about the bugs, probably a joke or two. There was even some talk about years 12 and 13 English being really dirty! If only you could see what most guys my ages (unfortunately me included) read about now.... And I also believe that Rebecca (senior one) said something about "this is the quite room and you must not keep talking after lights out". In the morning, I awoke at about 7:15, which was okay. Then I spent the next sevenish minutes waiting for everyone else to wake up so I could drop some eaves as Samwise Gamgee puts it. I am not a stalker, I was bored. They can't have talked about anything interesting anyways, because otherwise I probably would have remembered it. Then, everyone was up, and skipping merrily down the stairs to have breakfast. Breakfast. I sat at a table by myself and got joined by Ayshani and some year nines. Had porridge. Was
awful. Stewie loved it though, pilled his bowl high and ate his way through steadily before going up for seconds. I hope this says nothing about the places we'll be eating at in the Europe trip..... The Porridge, made with water, oats, no salt. Ick. Not trying to sound fussy or anything but, these guys are a bit odd when it comes to porridge. After breakfast, reading under bed till it’s time to go, dropping some more eaves, Niamh played some ukulele and sang some songs in Japanese, including county road, was joined by Lilly. Very pretty, but It just pushed me further into that category of nobodies. Felt nostalgic, I <3 whisper of the heart and other films by the epic Hayao Miyazaki. Time to leave, and so began the epic journey which involved cars, Ke$ha and really deep puddles. More on that later. When we at last arrived at the hall, we were rather muddy, but nothing gets the cantalians spirits down, except perhaps voice matching. We then played some line tag, before doing the usual warming up and roll call. We devoted each hour to a different song, and every two or three hours we got a fifteen minute break. I'd be lying If I said I had enjoyed myself immensely, but it was
so much better then the usual practices. At lunchtime, we all trooped outside and found a strange vehicle waiting for us outside. It much resembled a carnival ride, one of those cars they attach to a horse and dive you around the fairground on. It was bright yellow, blue and red, and up front there was a tractor with the camp dude happily gesturing for us to jump on board. We wasted no time in embarking on this strange vehicle, but I waited till last to I could jump on the back and hang off by one hand.
It. Was. Epic. We raced down the hill, jostled up and down with every bump, splashing through the puddles and skidding around corners. Then some girls stated to sing a chorus, and everyone else (except me) joined in! It was just like I imagine riding the sun chariot of Apollo would be like. Then, when we arrived back it was a fifteen minute break before lunch. I stayed under the bed, reading until the last possible moment before going down stairs and joining the others. But imagine my dismay when I saw there was nowhere to sit! Save a few seats at tables with
other people. Luckily (or unluckily?) Rebecca in my year invited me to sit at her table, which - wait for it - was also occupied by....the year thirteen’s! Well, not all of them, only the REALLY intimidating ones, Rebecca the music prefect, senior choir co director, and Susanna and Niamh, junior choir co directors. Thank god I had my book! Lunch was okay, actually quite interesting because rebeccainmyyear asked Rebecca13 about school ID cards, and so Rebecca13 and Niamh pulled out three of their old ones. Niamh looks pretty much the same all the way through, but in freshman year Rebecca had long hair (!). So, lunch over I headed up stairs and dropped some eaves until it was time to go, and also gave away my gummy worms and some chocolate. Then, practice - just a repeat of the morning - and then donkey cart, then dinner. I ended up sitting with the same people for dinner, but this time I asked if I could sit there. Yay! I deserve a medal, don’t ya think? Kidding! Dinner, same as lunch, with me going up first with the other veggos, eating fast, and as soon as finished washing up and sprinting back to the safety of under the bed. After dinner there was rehearsal, and then a really fun game!!! Firstly we all went up to the
other upstairs room, and played space jump for a bit, and then Mister Stewart came up and announced that the game was ready! We were split into teams and then given lists with various items on them, brooms, breadbins, Lydia's sleeping bag, and even a giant can of pears! He then picked out two taggers, Lilly and Lydia, and a spot lighter, Naidi. The objective of the game was to find these items in the house, and then bring them back to the room without getting caught. You were allowed two team members in the blackened house at a time, no torches were allowed but cell phones were, and you were only allowed to carry one item at a time. The taggers would be blindfolded and I you got caught by either one of them or by the spotter you would have to go back to the start, no item, all the while calling I’m out I’m out! In my team were Victoria (her dad is chairman of the board), Freya, Laurilie (?) and of course, me. Then the same started, with much excitement, and very soon more than half the items were found! My team kept on coming up blank, and then victoria snaffled a pillow! I was determined to get upstairs, so every time I went out I tried to make it up the stairs, but to no avail. Finally, I made it UP the stairs only to get caught and sent back to the beginning. There HAD to be something up there of value, otherwise why would both taggers be there? The game was nearly over, and as my luck had it all of the enemy were occupying the down stairs hallway! I crept upstairs, sneaky sneaky, and met our pianist, Charlene at the top. Them, after combing the room I felt something cylindered, and metal and heavy. I FONUD THE CAN OF PEARS! And heading down to the other end of the room, as my luck would have it, Lydia’s sleeping bag was their too! Charlene took that, I wasn’t really fussed, they were both worth the same amount plus the sleeping bag was too noisy! We were just making our when someone suddenly spoke, “I know you’re there love, come out come out, no point in hiding”! It was the taggers! Shit shit shitty shittyty shit, there was nowhere to hide! So I hunkered down In a corner for what seemed like forever, then made my escape while they were in the bedroom, I was safe!!!!! Not much happened in the rest of the game. I stole a rug from Rabecca13 when she got spotted on the stairs and someone found a vacuum cleaner. Then the only items left were Mister Stewarts Crocs, so they went up 30 points in value! In the end they were found, the points were tallied, and team one was declared the overall winner and we were sent to bed.
Wow, yet another really long blog entry! Will start afresh before continuing, :)