Thursday, June 16, 2011


Big Sing, at last.

I really can't find all the words to describe it. So for now, I'll just go with wow.

And even that word in all its epic proportions can't fit the bill.

It started at nine thirty, when we all met in the civic square, and everyone - looking fab in their winter uniforms- was doing the usual, laughing, chatting, goofing around and chasing the pigeons. I got a bribe to wear my hair down, and now have a ten dollar Australian bill to add to my collection.
After meeting with my friends and being excitable and what not, I set about finding people from the junior choir to sign the cards I had made for Susanna and Niamh, our choir Directors. It took ages, and it was quite a feat getting it done without them noticing. We had already (we being Francesca and I) dealt with most of the signing at school, because I thought it would be good to give them the cards on the big sing. Eventually, we got let into the town hall, and wow that place is ginormic. It has plaster walls with little Victorian (?) ornamentations, a marble floor in the foyer, and schmany looking pillars scattered all over the place. After the usually talk by the stage manager, the first choir went out to perform. I was amazed. Never bored, constantly on the edge of my seat, and always in high spirits.

In a surprisingly short time, it was lunch break, and we were all shooed outside for a five minute lunch break before the junior choir sound check. I speedily ate my cookie (there isn't much in the way of nutritional stuff at Fix), and then hurried inside to wait for everyone else.

Then, just after one, who should come up to talk to me but Rowena (?). Apparently I was wanted on the hall, something about Cantala.

I swore, and then sprinted of into the hall, my friends’ laughter echoing in my ears.

I leapt onto the stage and scampered up the choir rises, just in time too. I don't think (hope) that Mr Stewart was that mad.......

Holy night was okay, but as soon as it was over, the other junior choir girls and I hurried over to the west foyer place, the other year nines had arrived. Pretty much, this year it became compulsory for year nines to join junior choir, resulting in much messiness. I felt SO sorry for Susanna and Niamh; I'll have to admit they did a great job though. We were the first to perform after lunch break, and it would be nice of me to say that people were punctual but as usual, there was the usual dribby drabby. Junior choir totally impressed me. I expected carnage. We sounded okay. Good. Great. Well, great may have been pushing it but it was fun :)
And if I do end up getting kicked out of Cantala at least I'm still in a choir.

Then it was rush rush rush to the changing rooms to switch into my Cantala uniform. Can I just say ugh. It isn't a bad uniform; just I ain't accustomed to wearing skirts. Because we had left partway through a performance, I waited for the year nines to finish so I wouldn't go in on my own in the middle of something. They. Took. Ages.
I shouldn't be surprised, but I was anyway. The performances flew by, and they were just as amazing as the one in the morning session. Instead of joining the Cantalians like the year nines did, I went back and sat with my year Ten pals, which made the performance that bit less enjoyable because I had to keep an eye out for when the others left to go backstage.

Finally, it was time. We hurried backstage in our fantastic (apart from my skirt issue) uniforms, and several people asked me "Where are your shoes"?!?!For, being the person I am I had carried those foot eaters instead of wearing them. I did have them on me though. No way would I turn up to the big sing without part of my Cantala uniform! The idea makes me shudder! Warming up was - unexpectedly - fun, and everyone was excited and bubbly, as per normal. Then the call came for us to move into the green room. May I mention that some people (I won’t names names) chose that time to have a potty break, fantastic timing guys :)
At first glance everyone was cool, but the twitching limbs, sweeping eyes and trips back and forth to the water cooler showed that most of them were just as nervous as I! I was going to be fist to walk onto stage, and believe me I was not looking forward to it. Then one of the FBI people (called because of their black clothes and earpieces) motioned us to come and wait by the stage steps. And it was show time.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I cut it off just at that exciting moment! Just like those irritating TV programmes! This has been a really bad blog entry, but I think that it's allowed, because it's only a recount of the epicest day ever. To be continued shortly........

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