Saturday, August 28, 2010

Two Kinds Of People

I beleive there are two kinds of people in the world. The ones who have to make it and the ones who have it made. The ones who have it made are pretty or smart or have a real big x factor. They might be athletic or a great dancer, and many other qualities which will make life enjoyable and (sometimes) easy for them. The ones who have to make it might be rich or smart, but people could still think them weird or pretend to be their friend just to take advatange of them. These people might be ugly or plain, over or under wheight, appear to have no special talent or just posess the inability to make a good, hearty conversation.All these people are usualy lucky enough to live in a democratic society, have enough to eat, and have acsess to decent health care and schooling, but in the developed world, who you are in social circles matters a lot more to most people. In my utopia, everyone is kind and accepting to everyone else, and we all have beautiful cities and a decent standard of living. In the real world, unfortunately, bad luck and misfortune out weigh the good luck and happieness that goes around.  You don't have to agreed or disagree with this statement, just food for thought.

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