Sunday, June 12, 2011

Involving cars, Ke$ha and really deep puddles.

I do enjoy writing fictional things, as you may have noticed from the two posts below.

But this story is 98% true.

I'll pick up the tale from us leaving the homestead, on Saturday the twenty somethingth of May. Us being the Cantala girls (hopefully you have had the decency to read the postings below). At this stage we didn't actually have the donkey cart, and so, being the awesome people we are we walked. It was a fairly interesting walk. We went through mud and leaves, over grass and gravel, and past some quite a bit of caca de caballo. Eventually, after much walking we came to a puddle. I don't mean puddle as in 30cm diameter 1cm deep pool of water but as in about....... okay, lets just say it was about the size of a small swimming pool and very deep. Very being 26/30 centimeters. Then Mister Stewart (jammy git :D ) drove up in his car. People had all sorts of suggestions for getting across, including "ride on the car". I assumed we'd have to stick it and walk, but to my surprise Mister Stewart actually told us to climb on board. No way was I going to pass up on an opportunity like that, I scrambled on with glee, and was shortly joined by Rebecca(jnr), Amanda, (?), (?), and Rose. With much cheering we proceeded to drive our way across the gargantuan puddle, whooping with delight as water sprayed off the wheels. Then we clambered off the sides and happily waved as the car backed over to the other side. To our credit, spirit ran high all the way through, with the never ceasing cheering reaching its peak as the last person was ferried across the water. Then we all continued walking, with the car driving becide us, playing Ke$ha's ticktok really loud. People were singing along and having a great ime in general, I don't think ANYTHING can get these girls down! Then suddenly, with a plume of dust behind it, the car took off down the road, with much cheering accompanying its finale.

Well, that's all folks! If anyone in Cantala happens to read this and thinks I did not do it justice, feel free to post a comment, include much swearing, exclaimation marks and capital letters.

With love from Cat Shoes,
AvatarKid ;)

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