Saturday, January 14, 2012

Seasons of Silly/ planting an instument 101

Giant purple sunflowers.

Clouds of pink, red and green.

It's raining jelly beans.

The black ones sink into the eath and dissapear,
the purple ones go up in glittery showers and the others lie where they fall,
slowly rotting away, shriveling down small and black;
before they too sink into the earth.

The glitter floats upwards, carried on the wind, collecting into a giant green cloud.

With a thunderclap of a heartbeat a piano falls from the sky,
and the cloud explodes; transforming into snow.

Christmas trees, already decorated, spring up everywhere.

The children laugh and play while their parents yell at them to wrap up warm.

Cup-cakes on silver wings begin to roost in the trees as the last of the snow melts away,
white lilies pop up all over the football fields and frangipani drape themselves over the houses and lampposts of the town.

But soon the flowers wilt away and the sky turns grey with the chill of autumn,
then the showers come and wash away all traces of spring.

There is no need for umbrellas, for with the rain comes spores from afar;
and giant colorful toadstools pop up in all the streets and parks of the town,
and though they are beautiful they are sadly inedible.

Cats and dogs begin to smile and disappear,
first they go transparent then from the hindquarters up they become invisible;
before long all you can see is their mischievous grins.

Soon, they are fully invisible, and though the children weep for the loss of their beloved friends,
don't worry, they'll be back come summer time.

Summer time.
All that remains of this first year of the seasons is the piano.
Remarkably unhurt from it's fall.
Next year, the music from another instrument will flood the streets,
and the year after that and the year after that;

give it twenty years
and the town will be fully grown
full of coulour
and music.

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