Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Believeing in Awesome

Dear *Lola,
I'm sorry, but the word I took is to be given back.
I nearly believed you, when you told me 'everyone is awesome'

See the words on the screen made is easy, simple, crystal clear.

But looking in the mirror,
I saw someone that would never be awesome,
and I dropped the word I had taken.

I just couldn't hold on.
Not faced with a truth like...this.

The truth is, I will never be of the same caliber as someone in your rank.

I am not more than perfect, awesome, or (god forbid) epic.

Not every one will be awesome,
perhaps, everyone has the potential to be awesome,
but not every one will be.

Because, on the off chance I AM included in this 'everyone', because I am not awesome, 'everyone' is not, just most.

And although it's highly unlikely you'll read this, you could hold that part by yourself, 'perhaps' not easily, but I'm sure people wouldn't notice that you were the only one singing, you have enough voice for six kids, at least.

* not real name


  1. Please,
    read this:

    Because that is why I think people are awesome. Because they're real.

    1. I'm never going to believe in awesome. Not in myself, at least. In others, sure. Why am I writing this, actually? Out of sheer boredom? I don't know...
      But the time of the end is soon if not now. I quit. I am a plastic person and gosh darnit I quit. There is no awesome here. I repeat: You're either born awesome, or you're not. Looks like I missed. out.

  2. sorry, erm, "little bird" but it said "page not found, error 4ohsomething"

    I'll try and find it other ways though, i might track it down.

  3. Almost EVERYONE feels like they aren't as good as they 'should/could' be at some stage, but that doesn't mean it is true... just because lots of people feel like that doesn't make it right... YOU are a brilliant wonderful person.... Don't let anything convince you otherwise... :)
